The problem with hanging out in Autism communities is you become paranoid that every behaviour you have is a result of it.

I’ve always avoided crowds. I mean, who doesn’t? They’re inefficient, nothing gets done, and the time they waste is almost never worth the end result.

I also like eating in empty restaurants. It’s good to just bring a book, sip some coffee, and take in the silence.

But I’m starting to question things. I don’t eat eggs. I’ve always assumed there’s simply foods out there that everyone doesn’t like. But apparently, not eating eggs is considered “weird” and “quirky” – enough to be considered “autistic”. But why isn’t eating chicken embryos considered weird?

There’s also a hobby I have where I try to find albums on Spotify with 0 listens. I like giving them their first ever listen. It’s just a lot of fun. But that’s considered “autistic” too.

I think I just don’t like being reduced to “autism”. It seems like such a small box to put yourself in. I’d rather be considered for what I am: a three dimensional human being with a few interests, but also ambitions and passions.

I don’t know. Maybe some things are due to autism, but I also don’t like the notion of being defined by it. I don’t think anyone can be defined be one word.