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@bastianallgeier seems rather harsh judging him as a young boy, who brain had not fully developed. He was still a child at 16. My grand dad was in the kkk, and he moved on from it in age and became a work member of society. Who wasn't racist

Jeff C. 🇺🇦

@ChickenPwny @bastianallgeier From the post:

“The young, wild boy in the 1920s has all my empathy. The man, that my grandpa turned into, does not deserve any of that.”


@jeff @bastianallgeier he was born in 1924 so he forgives the six year old thank Jesus. 16 is still a child and even into ones twenty still underdeveloped and impressionable

I can see why his grandfather never discussed these things.


@jeff @bastianallgeier he was looking to place blame and asking an old man for answers he didn't have.

Jeff C. 🇺🇦

@ChickenPwny @bastianallgeier 16, while not quite fully developed, is old enough to have a basic sense of right and wrong. That’s borderline at best.

And twenty-somethings?

Let’s stop infantilizing actual adults. If one is a Nazi by the time they’re in their twenties — and remain so, as was the case here — that’s entirely on them.

My empathy is for those whose lives were snuffed out, not the Nazis who did it.


@jeff @bastianallgeier hey I'm just letting you know what modern science says about brain development and the ability to understand empathy and make correct decisions.

Personally my granddad who served in the US didn't want to talk about the horror he witnessed as a good guy. I doubt he would want to try and have his young grandchild try to understand why he did what he did. What lead to his life being the way it is.

At 16 he was still a boy impressionable wrapped up in a storm of prognada and lies spread by the state. The people were supposed to trust.

Being a soldier is hard and they suffer more than any of civilians can know.

@jeff @bastianallgeier hey I'm just letting you know what modern science says about brain development and the ability to understand empathy and make correct decisions.

Personally my granddad who served in the US didn't want to talk about the horror he witnessed as a good guy. I doubt he would want to try and have his young grandchild try to understand why he did what he did. What lead to his life being the way it is.

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