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Kitchen Priestess (She/Her)


I think this is a good article. There are still way too many people who think reasoning and educating both political and religious people on the far right will somehow change them.

It won't. It never has.

They have to be disgusted by what they see in their own community and decide themselves to get out.


@jbhughes @shekinahcancook @bastianallgeier I don't know if it was Ignatius Loyola who first said that, but I attended parochial school, and the priests and nuns certainly had no difficulty telling us that rubbish. Which, of course, quite cemented the habit of rebellion in me, at times to my detriment. A deeply poisonous culture.


@jbhughes @shekinahcancook @bastianallgeier @thepoliticalcat This is bloody scary. And when pointed inward, the re-evaluation of one's tastes and beliefs is astonishing.

Thank you for sharing.

Kitchen Priestess (She/Her)

@jbhughes @bastianallgeier @thepoliticalcat

I know several people, including myself, who walked away from fundamentalism of various sorts as teens or adults. On xhitter and discord there's a whole community that call themselves "ex-vangelicals" and there are several orgs who help ex-orthodox jews escape from insular communities and learn to function in the modern world.

It's a not insignificant number of folks - including people who were part of the Duggars group and other far far right cults.

And young people go vegan, organic, etc too. I just don't think it's true that people can't change their philosophy about food, faith, politics, or whatever, if they choose to do so. That usually involves being disillusioned by their own acts or community. It doesn't often come from the outside.

@jbhughes @bastianallgeier @thepoliticalcat

I know several people, including myself, who walked away from fundamentalism of various sorts as teens or adults. On xhitter and discord there's a whole community that call themselves "ex-vangelicals" and there are several orgs who help ex-orthodox jews escape from insular communities and learn to function in the modern world.

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