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Ben Curthoys

@bastianallgeier I'm just listening to The Rest Is History podcast series on the Nazis, and it is very clear that it could happen again, and it could happen here.

Ben Curthoys

@bastianallgeier The second, most recent, part starts here:

[The Rest Is History] 404. The Nazis in Power: The Night of the Long Knives #theRestIsHistory

Ben Curthoys

@bastianallgeier The earlier series on Hitler's rise to power starts here:

[The Rest Is History] 295: The Rise of the Nazis #theRestIsHistory

Ben Curthoys

@BackFromTheDud @bastianallgeier I mean but honestly there's still a long way to go. Terrifying echoes, the same direction, but even if Trump wins the next presidential election that puts us around 1932 on the Hitlerometer.


@bencurthoys @bastianallgeier Listening to the same podcast series, and as someone with a Grandfather who flew heavy bombers over Germany with the RAAF, the worrying seeing the parallels as Nazis rise again...

Ben Curthoys

@caity @bastianallgeier My Grandfather was in a Lancaster Bomber. Can't remember his role; not pilot. Navigator, I think.

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