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Max Böck

@matthiasott @bastianallgeier My great-grandfather kept a journal from 1944-1946 . It was written in "Kurrentschrift" so it was hard to decipher. A couple of years ago we sat down with my grandma and recorded her reading it - I later transcribed it.

He wrote about life in the last days of the war and the years after. Feels a lot more personal than the history books as it's set in my hometown. Tanks rolling down the streets I grew up in.

In one entry, he crossed out the name of the holiday:

A journal entry on a holiday, it says "Nationaler Feiertag des deutschen Volkes". The words "Nationaler" und "deutschen" are crossed out.
Matthias Ott

@mxbck @bastianallgeier Amazing. And fantastic you took the time to record it with your grandmother and transcribe it! 👏

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