@bastianallgeier Thank you. Please don't delete it. One of the things that stood out for me:
"He once told me how you did not need to fear anything back then. If someone committed a serious crime, they would be executed, so nobody would dare to."
They promise: "All problems can be solved if we just dare to use enough violence. Crime exists because we are too soft." Who judges right and wrong based on what? Injustice doesn't exist because we are not cruel and brutal enough with each other.
@bastianallgeier Mine was not a Nazi, he was just a little wannabe fascist. He believed that foreigners should "all be kicked out" and that if there's any problem—use violence. "They'll quickly stop if you just..." All that while being a Swiss citizen in Italy, naturalized, married to a former Italian immigrant then pampered by a Rumanian care taker. Hard worker? He retired at 50 living illegally on two state pensions. Former truck driver, fries & TV all day, voted Berlusconi in every election.