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Bastian Allgeier

This is an article that took a lot of strength to write and I might take it down again. But I felt like it is an article that is very necessary right now.


@bastianallgeier Thank you so much for sharing this difficult journey with us.

"The new N#zis are on Tiktok and elsewhere on social media, telling great stories. Stories of safety, of simplicity, of order and justice. Stories of lives without crises. Adventure stories."

Fortunately, we have a you who can tell a story too. There are a few of us. And we must keep trying. Together.

Big respect. ๐Ÿ˜™

zipidog :unverified:

@bastianallgeier people don't learn from history. In Italy we have the same problem and I am very scared of this. Thanks for your story.

Scooter ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฟ

@bastianallgeier Thank you for sharing your story, & most importantly, for being a decent person. I had a small glimmer of this while stationed in Germany in the U.S. Army during the 1970s. The father-in-law of an Army friend was ex-SS & obviously proud of his service during WWII. During his reciting to me why the Nazis should have won, he snapped to attention with the "Seig Heil" salute, & I realized that the underlying sentiment was still very close to the surface 30 years after the war ended.

Angela Scholder

@bastianallgeier Thank you for writing this.

You also stated exactly why it is no use to try and convert the hardcore Nazis. Only the group that falls for simple and easy reasons why their life is difficult where there is a pointed villain who is their problem which should be removed is who should be focused on.


@bastianallgeier Important words. Thank you for sharing this.

Stuart Longland (VK4MSL)

@bastianallgeier I appreciate you sharing this.

I think the world needs stories like this now more than ever.

Robert Brandt (dragoner)

@bastianallgeier The original Robert Brandt was murdered at Terezin, I don't hate your people for what you did, as what MLK Jr said "I have decided on the path of love, as hate is too great a burden to bear." I won't forget ever though. Germany made the world an uglier place, no longer could we remain simple peasants dancing in our villages before the panzers rolled over us. We had to change. It began a long time before 1933.

Astrid Sawatzky

Vielen Dank, dass du das aufgeschrieben und verรถffentlicht hast.

Mit solidarischen GrรผรŸen.

Sarah W

Thanks for writing this, it's an important story to tell. I think you're absolutely right, and you have seen this from a direct personal view point. People need to understand. The right are gaining traction across the world, it's getting scary.


@bastianallgeier That is a strong piece! Wow. Thanks for sharing this story.


@bastianallgeier that must have taken a lot of courage to write. Thank you for sharing this.

Graham Perrin

@bastianallgeier I can't imagine any person of real integrity asking you to take down something so thoughtful.

@andrewducker thank you for tuning me in.

@nick thank you for it's so good to know that there is such strength of feeling. Equal thanks to @kim_harding for finding a report in a different language,

Ulrich Junker

@bastianallgeier so he never felt any regret about what he and his comrades have done? Everything was alright for him?

Ben Evans

@bastianallgeier Thank you for writng this - it feels extremely necessary right now.

Mike Morris

@bastianallgeier Thank you for writing this. As a (white) South African who grew up during the Apartheid era there were many resonances for me. Please don't take it down.


@bastianallgeier Thank you.
My father was born in 1931. Moved to the US after the war. I recognize some of the things in him. He talked about his time in the Hitler Youth with pride. In the end he was a monster. I remember at three him trying to teach me how to be a 'proud' German. Thankfully it didn't stick.

Don't take this down. It was a hard, but good read.

leChris :mastodon:


Thank you very much for publishing this insight into your very own family history, which touched me deeply. Unfortunately, it takes courage to publish something like this at this time. But I believe that it is a very important building block to preserve these experiences and memories of a completely foreign world of thought of one's own ancestors.

And unfortunately, there is currently a particular problem in Germany with many people (not only) from the current generation of politicians. They are too young to have memories of war, suffering and destruction themselves. Perhaps they have never undertaken their own reflections of this kind in relation to their own family history or have always remained in their own universe.




Thank you very much for publishing this insight into your very own family history, which touched me deeply. Unfortunately, it takes courage to publish something like this at this time. But I believe that it is a very important building block to preserve these experiences and memories of a completely foreign world of thought of one's own ancestors.

leChris :mastodon:



There is no other explanation for the fact that right-wing ideologues are once again flocking to promises of salvation. At the same time, the parties of the democratic camp (especially the conservative ones) are drifting alarmingly in a direction that no longer has a culture of remembrance and is writing right-wing ideas into its own party programme. Apparently, prosperity and a long period of peace have gone to their heads and are taken for granted.

But these days, in view of the many demonstrations all over our country, I have also realised one thing: They are still in the minority and it is up to all of us to raise the voices of the majority, to position ourselves clearly and to have the courage of our own convictions and stand up for them. Never again - is now - in my eyes, this is especially true for Germany. We have a very special responsibility for each other, for ourselves and for Europe. Let us never forget this!




There is no other explanation for the fact that right-wing ideologues are once again flocking to promises of salvation. At the same time, the parties of the democratic camp (especially the conservative ones) are drifting alarmingly in a direction that no longer has a culture of remembrance and is writing right-wing ideas into its own party programme. Apparently, prosperity and a long period of peace have gone to their heads and are taken for granted.



Wow! What a powerful story Bastian .. and so true!

Iโ€™m an elderly man living in England and I also feel worried when I look at the political developments in Germany from here. But, for similar reasons to the ones you describe so well, Iโ€™m also *very* worried by the way things in this country are developing.

Iโ€™m completely not a conspiracy theorist, but Iโ€™m convinced that there are some very shady and very wealthy Far Right/ fascist interests, particularly in the US, that have been pouring money into groups around the world - especially in Europe - for a long time with a view to using tensions caused by the accelerating collapse of Capitalism to undermine the established order.

Then, as in the UK, when things start falling apart, they cleverly use their money/ influence etc to play on ordinary peoplesโ€™ fears and prejudices (against immigrants/ disabled people/ people on benefits etc) to push them towards acceptance of authoritarian โ€˜solutionsโ€™

Imo autocrats like Trump, Orban, Netanyahu, Erdogan, the AfD and others are merely symptoms of the unfolding social collapse that is now occurring! It happened after Weimar in Germany. In the 1930s Britain had the British Union of Fascists which was banned in 1940 shortly after the start of WWII. We havenโ€™t yet got an openly fascist political party but our English Defence League I believe is getting โ€˜dark moneyโ€™ funds from US Far Right sources.

As you correctly say, the future is looking very, very bleak! Sadly, the Left everywhere is very weak and very divided.

Viel Glรผck und Solidaritรคt!


Wow! What a powerful story Bastian .. and so true!

Iโ€™m an elderly man living in England and I also feel worried when I look at the political developments in Germany from here. But, for similar reasons to the ones you describe so well, Iโ€™m also *very* worried by the way things in this country are developing.

Miguel Arbesรบ

@bastianallgeier thank you for sharing your story and speaking out!


@bastianallgeier Thank you for writing this. Thank you for sharing how your Grandfather was seduced by the power - and for sharing how your relationship with him changed. Outside of Germany we don't hear enough of these histories.

Joschi Kuphal

@bastianallgeier I could have written a very, very similar piece (experience-wise), and I'm deeply grateful that you did it on behalf of supposedly many of us. Don't take it down. As I said to @rodneyrehm and @asciidisco yesterday: I'm ashamed of not finding enough energy & capacity for standing up myself like this although there should be nothing more important at the moment. Again, thank you! ๐Ÿ™

Joschi Kuphal

@bastianallgeier (I just had to think of the situation when my then 15-year old brother had a serious argument with my grandpa as he noticed the "Nazis raus" sticker on my brother's wallet. "So you want to get rid of me?", he asked โ€ฆ So much feeling you.)

Jiล™รญ Toman

@bastianallgeier Thank you very much, Bastian, for your article. It certainly wasnโ€™t easy to write (and publish) it, nor was easy to deal with your gradpaโ€™s history personally. I myself come from the โ€˜oppositeโ€™ side โ€” my grandpa, born in 1923, was part of the Czech minority here in Liberec (Reichenberg) and experienced the rise of hatred towards the local Czechs (and the hatred had to be mutual even then, of course). But the sad thing is that, just like in Germany, the popularityโ€ฆ (1/2)

Jiล™รญ Toman

@bastianallgeier โ€ฆof right-wing populists is also growing here. I donโ€™t condemn so much those who vote for them โ€” but I do condemn those who are knowingly poisoning them with hateful propaganda. They should be stopped while there is still time. At least hopefully there still is.

By the way, after your article, Iโ€™m all the more glad we are using Kirby for our site. It just shows that new generations can always overcome the disputes of the previous ones. It gives hope. (2/2)

Professor Kerstin Sailer

Thanks for writing and sharing!
I keep telling my friends in the UK that as a German it's very likely that my grandparents were either active supporters of the Nazis or at least bystanders and looking away. It's a hard truth.
I've never met my maternal grandparents and my paternal grandfather died when I was nine. Opportunities for even asking questions were rare.
You've done a brave thing!


@bastianallgeier thanks for sharing your experience, #NeverAgainIsNow I only understood much later that my grandfathers brother was a Nazi until his death, very scary times ๐Ÿ˜ฆ and the reporting #News far too much influenced by the right, either influenced or ownership in many countries

Peter Gassner

@bastianallgeier Thanks for writing this! I try to speak up whenever I can, but admit that for some in my wider family I have given up. I realise I mustnโ€™t and will confront them again โ€“ these ideas must not linger around and grow into the terrible actions against we saw and see โ€ฆ



If ostensible people like Mr. Hocke started magically disappearing and showing up in ditche, unable to spread Neo-Nazism any more, and money was pumped into the ex-GDR regions, I don't think the problems would continue.

marceles ๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด

@bastianallgeier going against fascism feels always as to look in both directions, past and future and looking also into other places, into other beings, look at how you neighbour lives or struggles, look at nature.

Yet, sadly, these are dark times

Lauralee Dukeshire

@bastianallgeier Thank you for sharing your story! I'm currently reading The Nazi Doctors (trying to better understand Medicine's utter failure in the face of the pandemic). It's very disheartening to see how much a lack of courage to speak up facilitated ever escalating atrocities and pretty soon (it seems to me) many felt trapped by their own complicity and continued to do nothing to resist.


@bastianallgeier Here in the USA there are plenty of people who say they would never have voted for Hitler, but who are eager to vote -- again -- for Trump, even knowing full well what they'll get. And I believe that, ultimately, history will note that while one liked crisp brown shirts and the other prefers ill-fitting three-piece suits, both were cut from the same piece of cloth.

Josh Wold

@bastianallgeier thank you for your story! I want my kids to grow up hearing the truths that hurt our world and would try to again.

๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ถ Placebo Domingo

@bastianallgeier Thank you for writing this. Tragically, bad history repeats itself because many of us never learn from it.

Beau Morgan Murrah

@bastianallgeier I found your writing thought provoking. Thank you for sharing.

Ruth Mottram

@bastianallgeier that's very powerful. Thanks for sharing. I've been very inspired by the protests across Germany today.


@bastianallgeier The idea that strength power money and influence over other people were desirable goals is certainly despicable but it isn't definitive of Nazis. If that was your grandfather's only crime then he might as well have been a banker. But that's all we learn of his deeds. It's what your detachment was about. And where your anti-fascist feelings stem from โ€” muddling them with a common personal conflict. You grew up and he wanted you to stay a kid. And that's why Nazis are bad?


@bastianallgeier I'm sure writing a personal piece like this was difficult. I don't doubt your feelings or the fact that your grandfather was a Nazi. And I'm sure a lot of people can relate to this personal conflict and the feelings it evokes. But that doesn't make it emblematic of the problem with Nazis. I would have liked to hear the arguments you exchanged with him. What inhumane opinions did he hold? How did you counter them? Instead I got monster allegories and bubble explanations.

Rod Van Meter

@bastianallgeier thank you for writing that. We must never forget and never normalize.

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