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That assumes that *every* user system has a CUDA-capable Nvidia video card with at least 4GB of video memory.
@aral @dansup

Tom Ritchford

@viq @aral @dansup

Oh, yes. But how many instances will have that, though? Most instances are run on shared virtual machines!

My back-of-the-envelope 30-second calculations are that if an instance did this, it would cost between one and two orders of magnitude more CPU cycles than they are spending now and at least twice the RAM (and as video memory, as you point out).

People aren't going to pay > five times as much to run an instance, I'm pretty sure.


@TomSwirly @aral @dansup AFAIK this cannot be RAM, this needs to be memory on the actual video card.


@TomSwirly @aral @dansup and expecting the client to do that is expecting people to go "oh, yeah, let me fire up my gaming desktop to upload the photos from" (assuming they didn't get an AMD card, in which case they need to ask someone else to upload photos for them).

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