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Lord Kusuriya ​:tower:​

@timbray @shortridge Yeah I have something similar, I have credentials and info on how to use my password managers, a backup yubikey, and a informational document printed out that contains how to get into the various bits of my home services infrastructure laminated in a fireproof lockbox in a fireproof safe.
My phone is a weak spot though, the only two people that know the pin are my wife and myself. I may need to put some thought into that.
But like you have a will you should have a digital legacy plan. Someone will have to deal with your shit after you die, and if you're like me all of that shit is in digital lock boxes. Like unless my kids have degrees in forensic accounting they likely won't be able to piece my finances back together without access.

:flan_reaper: - On Hiatus


Convert SSH keys to QR codes. Printed, and then mailed to trusted individuals to be used to get into everything when I pass.

I should probably take more time to document what they are to be used for, but at least there is a way to get in to everything if that need arises.

@timbray @shortridge

Lord Kusuriya ​:tower:​

@lordbowlich Yeah thats part of why I treat some of my password manager vaults like the most secret of secret.
between 1Password and KeeAgent for KeePass all my SSH keys are stored in a password vault with MFA.
thats why my password manager doc is soo critical in my digital legacy plan.

@timbray @shortridge

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