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3 posts total
Kelly Shortridge

this Galentine’s / Palentine’s/ Valentine’s Day, do you want to learn the secret to everlasting love?

my secret is writing a book ✨ because a book or creative project will never let you down or cheat on you or leave you or get tired of you rambling about your special interests for hours and hours, in fact that is the whole point and if you create for yourself, you can be beautiful weirdos together, forever 💞

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Greg Bell

@shortridge it was so funny but then kept getting so sincere and uplifting. Yay writing a book!

Sass, David

@shortridge ok, now I really need to read your book but 784 pages are lot of pages. I just don't know if I should start reading it now, or continue working on mine and read yours after 🤔




I'll tell ya...

Best book promo I've ever seen.

Kelly Shortridge

zealots often shame humans for writing down their passwords, but as someone who just had to excavate the digital remains of a loved one who died suddenly:

*please* write down your credentials somewhere a trusted human can find them, especially your phone passcode and any primary passwords (like for email accounts, password manager, etc.)

the humans who care about you will need that access for many reasons; a "badass" threat model will only add helplessness to their grief

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@shortridge Sorry to hear you have to deal with this on top of grieving the loss of a loved one 😞 Hope you can take time to start processing at some point. Take care!

Denise G

After my son died unexpectedly at 21 years of age, I found myself unable to access some things of his, which, in some cases I’ve left alone, allowing him his privacy. Some passwords I was able to track down, but others I could not.

@shortridge i think what make security less secure just in case is a bad idea which works against basic idea of security, all or nothing if put it simple.

i am evil selfish ass, and all my secrets will die with me, i am completely ok with it, and data intended for others should not be locked in the first place.
Kelly Shortridge

I hate the gaslighting by modern e-commerce sites.

You triple confirm you don’t check the “sign me up for marketing emails” box.

Said emails inevitably arrive in your inbox.

When you click unsubscribe, “I never signed up” isn’t even a reason you can select. At best, it’s “I don’t recall signing up.”

The inability to say No feels like it’s trending towards ubiquity in tech and I am not here for it.

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Always click click the "other" button.

It opens a text box which will end up in someone's marketing spreadsheet.

They would love the cell to contain the lyrics to "never going to give you up", your favourite movie script, etc



Ah, and have you found that the hard-to-spot options reset at the slightest excuse?

We did not like the format of your postal code - are you sure? *Reset*

All Fields Are Required! *Reset*

Thank You For Using PayPal. *Reset*

Григорий Клюшников

I can hardly spend a day without encountering a condescending "not now" button that should really have been "never".

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