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there it is. Parliamentary Group for Fighting with Transport Divide, talking about "uncertainties around the problems with Impuls vehicles".

text coverage in english with happen here, below this post


there's Dragon Sector, Newag, PKP Intercity, Koleje Mazowieckie, Polregio (which typically refused comment!), SPS Mieczkowski


DS is explaining the history of the locks, as chronologically as possible, including trains that did not include them, and changes while they were staying at Newag


someone pointed it's actually unclear who *is* the owner of the codebase. Newag has bought it from another company.


DS: a more or less loosely documented UDP<->CAN converter connects the train with the internet for passenger information. in some vehicles, it was able to remotely tell to "break" the secondary compressor, or hit the emergency brakes


software cannot be upgraded remotely, but for some vehicles, Newag had permission to physically access the trains, sometimes as part of the public tender offer. DS believes they possibly upgraded the software without the knowledge of carriers


in their whitepaper, Newag blamed KD for not requesting the software in their public tender. that defense is pretty much, "KD was riding on pirate software the whole time". the implication is that DS couldn't reverse engineer a pirated software


Newag says Deloitte made a statement that they did not oversee the way the software was dumped


Newag: there is no right to repair for trains by EU law


Newag: actually carriers were supposed to request more documentation to be able to do the P3 inspection. then they'd pay more, and also get the software that they could sublicense to workshops


Newag: actually, KD was not able to sublicense the documentation they got to SPS Mieczkowski, to service their trains


Newag: SPS should have called Newag and buy a software license


OR they should have installed their own software


Newag: actually DS is not good-hearted because they charged money for their work


Newag: DS has made a tool for decompiling (made fixes for Ghidra) and decompiled the software. carriers were not able to sublicense the software. Newag believes it violated their IP and this "will be judged by the court in Warsaw"


Newag: Onet has published their first article at 6:00 and Warsaw Stock opens 9:00, so this was targeted at their stocks value


Newag: the software was modified and it doesn't matter if it was the actual flash with the software, or just its value storage (!). so actually, these trains riding with locks switched from on to off by DS, is an active danger in rail communication, because it was not tested against european regulation with these modifications

Agnieszka R. Turczyńska

@lauren Does that mean they have admitted those locks exist?

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