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Emme Ci 🍉

@thomasfuchs while I understand the sarcasm, I find your take a bit too partial. LLMs may be lossy JPEGs for text, but JPEGs have their uses.

Also, by your logic, mastodon is just a less efficient twitter and the fediverse is the 00's internet but harder to use.

François Galea

@muzzle @thomasfuchs LLMs are JPEG for all text in the world, and require a supercomputer to process

Aral Balkan

@muzzle @thomasfuchs An LLM isn’t a lossy JPEG for text. A lossy JPEG of a cat doesn’t show you a photo of a horse’s arse. And your other two deductions are non sequiturs.


@muzzle @thomasfuchs How is Mastodon fundamentally different from Usenet?


@tessarakt @muzzle @thomasfuchs Usenet is topically organized, but you can cross post to the universe at least once. It’s long form and asynchronous.

Mastodon has visible photos, videos. Cats have their own day finally. Admins don’t post FAQs every month. You can chat in realtime with some of the people some of the time.


@skry @muzzle @thomasfuchs Usenet articles are essentially message/rfc822, so images can be straightforwardly included in a multipart/related message.

Ignazio Palmisano

@muzzle @thomasfuchs problem is, people know that jpeg artifacts are a defect of the image not of reality, but hallucinations have already been taken seriously in important contexts. An attorney was found out giving them to their attorney to present to a judge as precedents - can't recall if it was giuliani or another of the minions of Tangerine the Foul and Terrible who did that.

It's got its uses, but its misuses are many and dangerous. We haven't got an immune system for them yet.

Rhombus Ticks

@muzzle @thomasfuchs

Mastodon lets me say things without Mark Zuckerberg smothering my face with a pillow.

Energy efficiency for my voice is not a factor

kali yuga fornication
@muzzle @thomasfuchs
> LLMs are lossy
> JPEGs are lossy
> some JPEGs are useful
> therefore, some LLMs are useful

fitting enough, this is the sort of logical error people complain about in LLM output all the time
@muzzle @thomasfuchs
> LLMs are lossy
> JPEGs are lossy
> some JPEGs are useful
> therefore, some LLMs are useful
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