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Thomas 🔭🕹ī¸

@asdflushy @ganonmaster I never get over how good humans are at solving certain super hard problems

The TSP, in particular the Euclidean variant of the problem, has attracted the attention of researchers in cognitive psychology. It has been observed that humans are able to produce near-optimal solutions quickly, in a close-to-linear fashion, with performance that ranges from 1% less efficient, for graphs with 10–20 nodes, to 11% less efficient for graphs with 120 nodes.


I feel the same every time a techbro tries to tell me a shit 1080p camera is better than a human eye. Not just at resolving an image but for image processing as well.

The crass and gross understanding of how good even a poor human is at doing stuff is why these people think they can replace them, or pay them slave wages.

@asdflushy @ganonmaster

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