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Alex Schroeder

Wow, the German fascists are alive and well.

"Back in November, high-ranking politicians from Germany’s far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party, neo-Nazis, and sympathetic businesspeople gathered in a hotel near Potsdam. Their agenda? Nothing less than the fine tuning of a plan for the forced deportations of millions of people currently living in Germany."

Better fight them now rather than later…

1 comment
Alex Schroeder

I remember how many thought it absurd that when I got Swiss citizenship I dropped the others I had. I said: one fascist idiot in this country will end up proposing taking away Swiss citizenship of criminal offenders for trivial reasons and if these people have other citizenships, they'll be able to deport them. Dropping my other citizenships makes this harder to accomplish. Although, then I'll be left in the same country with the fascists in power so I'm not quite sure what my best bet would be in that situation. I guess I'm thinking Switzerland was doing OK for two world wars compared to the neighbouring countries. Past success is no guarantee of future success, however. What a shit show.

Remember that the SVP (the far right party in Switzerland) sponsored the AfD (the far right party in Germany) with a few million Euros a few years ago. The fact that the AfD didn't publish this made it illegal, as far as I remember it. The phrase to look for is "Swiss Connection der AfD". You'll find plenty of links.

I remember how many thought it absurd that when I got Swiss citizenship I dropped the others I had. I said: one fascist idiot in this country will end up proposing taking away Swiss citizenship of criminal offenders for trivial reasons and if these people have other citizenships, they'll be able to deport them. Dropping my other citizenships makes this harder to accomplish. Although, then I'll be left in the same country with the fascists in power so I'm not quite sure what my best bet would be in...

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