@ErikUden Looking at the world right now, the state of disrespect and disregard science is held in, as a field, a reasonable person would be advocating for exactly what Aaron was doing to be not just legal but the norm.

The fact that science is seen as an impenetrable white tower, inaccessible and contradictory has directly contributed to over 33 million dead, many millions more disabled, and the current 2nd highest surge after Omicron - and some places have surpassed Omicron.

Aaron Swartz’s death should have been a wake up call to scientists and institutions to openly publish and make accessible their work. COVID should be the death knell for any gatekeeping of knowledge.

Imagine how different the past four years would have gone if actual science was the first dozens of returns in a search, and not behind paywalls. Instead, actual science is restricted and disinformation and garbage is what searches render.

The culture of white tower academia in restricting knowledge and information helped get us here. It needs to be burned to the ground.