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Alex Schroeder

I just realized that the source files for my wiki are 2.9GiB. Compressed archive is 2.8GiB. I'm guessing it's all images. 😬

Alex Schroeder

It's a bit sobering.
JPG images: 2.7GiB
PNG images: 0.1GiB
Markdown files: 0.0GiB
The text is a rounding error… :blobCat_anxious_sweat:

Ed Davies

@alex A picture is worth a thousand words, but takes up the space of a million of them.

bouncepaw πŸ„

@alex you should measure in megabytes! You'll probably get tens of them, which is a lot for text!

bouncepaw πŸ„

@alex actually, the situation is pretty similar to my wiki haha. But images are so nice!

Alex Schroeder

@bouncepaw Yea, I think it was 0.02 GiB of .md files and 20MiB is a lot. But perhaps I should also resize those images, haha.

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