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Robert "Anaerin" Johnston

@jschauma So the Japanese concept of the "Loud American", then? (Possibly/probably apocryphal)


@anaerin @jschauma beautiful! Let me know when you need a blunt & direct Dutchie.

Comrade Weez

@anaerin Lovely twist on a very real thing. As a recovering American living in Australia, I'm here to tell you the stereotype is painfully real, even if it isn't readily transportable to a business situation. It's fun to go to restaurants in touristy places and hear the bellowing Americans echoing off the back wall. They don't care if they get a table by the kitchen. @jschauma


@anaerin @jschauma problem with "the loud American gambit" is, you probably only get one gaijin bomb, two at most per gig. But it is a valuable strategic asset.

Riley S. Faelan

@anaerin I believe it, because Japan is the strange kind of country where gaijin tarento is a genuine career path for TV pundits.




Please please please.

I wore out a shirt that said, in big garish letters, Jesus Loves You

And then real little underneath: everybody else thinks you're an asshole.

Almost got my ass kicked for christ a couple times.

jnfrd Jan

@anaerin @jschauma Funny. and in the west it’s the rude German with their impolite β€žnein!β€œ

Ben, Trying His Best

@anaerin @jschauma Dammit! Another reason for me to move there! 😧

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