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Stephen Greenham

@nixCraft I remember it before it had DVD support... Came free with my first CD burner 🙂


@nixCraft Oh man, I remember those days! I also remember when DVD wasn't even an option....

Juno 🪐

@nixCraft That was long time ago! :ablobtonguewink:​


@nixCraft it took a while, but once i realized the pun in "nero burning rom", using this piece of software always made me smile (and sometimes giggle).


@nixCraft Yes. Reminds me of Winamp skins back in that era.

Michael Job

@nixCraft ohhh the memories....great software!


@nixCraft wonder what that company is now up to



A “CCleaner but for windows” clone, an “iMovie for windows” clone, an AI image upscaler… backup software….

Looks like after the death of optical media they throw software at the wall and see what sticks.


@nixCraft I remember when that was the "new" interface to Nero


@nixCraft may even have a CD laying somewhere...

Kind of shaped my sole childhood with company of Daemon Tools.


@nixCraft Looks like #Lenovo still uses NERO 🔥️💿️ 😹️

Che Z Borger

@nixCraft I still have a huge stack of DVDs in a closet somewhere. Nero was my go to.

Joshua Glemza

@nixCraft Of course. Back when you used to actually burn Linux ISOs. 😉


@nixCraft @jglemza Many of us still do. Often performs faster than virtual-ISO on OOBM planes for server hardware.


@nixCraft Nero 6 was the Best!) Was using it till the end of CD-ROM Era


@nixCraft I'm definitely too young to have remembered this exact interface, but I do remember various Nero software getting preloaded on computers up until around the mid-2010s or so (at least on Acer computers). I haven't seen any new PC's with Nero software preloaded on them of any kind since then. Sad.

Although interestingly enough, a bunch of Nero software that still exists today apparently still retains the same UI design (or something similar) from at least a decade ago to this day.



That was a long time ago, i'm feeling old now.


@nixCraft I do! Actually I still use CDs and DVDs from time to time. But I don't use Nero anymore today. I use Brasero and Xfburn instead.


@nixCraft too many hours where spent using it.


@nixCraft back when software had personality

Diabolic Preacher
@nixCraft i remember, but like winamp, i also remember how they were followed by discovery of open source alternatives first on windows which were also free, but this new kind of free. I moved to InfraRecorder iirc from NBR,

@nixCraft Yes! My favorite version was 5.5 though.


@nixCraft Wow this is a blast from the past, this was buried deep in my memories


@nixCraft Wow, this one sent me back. I loved the Nero Essentials suite when I was a kid. It felt like such an amazing place where you could create whatever you wanted. I burned many DVDs and CDs with silly videos made in Windows Movie Maker (including what was essentially a YTP before I knew those were a thing!) and later Blender, or silly audio tracks of me doing impromptu sketches, recorded on Sound Forge. I also loved Nero CoverDesigner, used that one for a long long time.



I was always a big fan/user of Nero Burning ROM since it came out in the late 1900's.

However, I didn't clue in to the pun in the name until a few months ago, well after I stopped needing the software.


It's not nice of you to ask such questions! It reminds me of how old I'm. Back then, it was bloatware on a new PC.


@nixCraft making Video CD was a sort of magic only a few of us knew how to manifest.


@nixCraft Oh boy. What a blast from the past.

Michael Dwyer

@nixCraft Yeah, I have memories of this software being the best optical burning software and one I finally proudly spent my own money to buy... about the same time it gave in to enshittification. The functional interface got pointless and confusing skeuomorphism. They added some licensed software that would expire itself after periods of disuse. EVERY TIME I just needed to burn ONE DISC I'd have to spend time on the phone with support to reenable it.

From love to hate in 1 version.


@nixCraft Ooh, good reminder! I've been having trouble getting an old version of CloneCD to install on W7. Now I'm going to have to dig up Nero and see if I can get it to work!

Mahmut Özcan

@nixCraft Ben hep İnfra Recorder kullandım. O yüzden anısı yok.


@nixCraft You just unlocked some forgotten memories.


@nixCraft holy shit. i didn't know that was still in my brain


Oh yes, and there were so many different versions of X-Copy out there 😁


@nixCraft Ah, long time ago. Now I can't even remember when I last inserted a DVD.

nailsthatglow 🏳️‍⚧️🦇🖖

@nixCraft I remember it being installed with other things and never fully removed when uninstalled...or was that the other software packs that ...wait... f%$# I'm getting old

Christian Stankowic

@nixCraft I even remember the strange Linux version that could be used with the same serials :D


@nixCraft I used it for a while, copying dvd movies.


@nixCraft I made so many backup dvds with this :blobCatX3:​


@nixCraft Nero burning ROM best brandname (brandname, ahaha...) ever

Tucker Carlson's Nuts

🥥 This Burning Nero dashboard brought back some memories Eye tells ya! 🥥


@nixCraft I once spent a lot of time burning around 100 CD‘s ….. so yes. I remember

Frantic 🇬🇧 + 🇪🇺

@nixCraft I do, I even bought a copy. It was easy to use and reliable.
Until today I hadn't picked up on the Roman emperor connection 🤦

Josh, or whatever Ah yes. I remember it like it was less than three hours ago.

@nixCraft I remember it. A DVD writer was particularly wanted. DVD-R and DVD-RW appear to be different.
Hans 🍂

@nixCraft Possibly the wittiest name & layout for a software ever.

Joachim Ziebs

@nixCraft I do. I payed for their Linux version back then…

Sven Geggus

@nixCraft Always been using cdrecord commandline Tool.


@nixCraft scrounging the web, Kazaa, torrent reactor/supernova/etc for a clean windows .iso file. Nostalgia hitting hard!


@nixCraft well that’s already the new funky version. 😀

Erotic Mythology (hire me) 💖

@nixCraft Hands down the best name for any software ever.
And a great tool too!

@nixCraft Burned these Kodak Gold CDs with it. Yeah, the 'for a lifetime' ones.

@nixCraft oh yeah but that was the terrible ‘new’ version

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