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Mr Creosote


2007: Touchscreens! They are like keyboards, but slower, less precise and worse!

Thomas 🔭✨

@mr_creosote Touchscreens are a compromise to make small computers more viable; a physical keyboard at the size of phones doesn't really have an advantage and is terrible to use too--even worse, it can't adapt so you'd need an onscreen keyboard anyway (e.g. emoji or for non-latin character languages).

So you might as well do a full on-screen keyboard so you can use the screen the rest of the time when no keyboard is required. (And you can always connect a real keyboard if you want to.)

Mr Creosote

@thomasfuchs See? I disagree with what you're writing, having used phone-sized physical keyboards before, having been fully comfortable with the good ones, and having resisted moving to virtual ones as long as feasible. Likewise, I'm sure, you'll find proponents of each technology you pointed out as "overall worse".

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