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Anthropy :verified_dragon:

@thomasfuchs what if I told you blockchains actually improved bank security because chained encrypted transactions is an excellent idea from a cryptographic standpoint?

and VR is amazing when it works well, just, none of the commercial directions seem to be aligned with what it actually needs.

NFTs were just a weird use of blockchains.

LLMs/AI have significantly improved what we can do with human language,

but as with any tool, don't give it to an idiot, because they'll do stupid things 🤷


There's risks to any technology that is ever put into place. While I am in favor of an automated form of government due to AI's potential to actually write laws that are better than what law makers right and the populous can actually vote on them directly rather it being run by an aristocracy that tends to not care for the people that it runs. They only look for the people's approval. You have to understand such a system would have to be disconnected and be an island from the rest of the web.


Do the risks of a system outweigh the benefits. I'm not going to decide for a particular group of people there way of life and will let that group make there own decisions on said matter. Since it's not my place to say. Every form of technology has major risks and major advantages. You just have to weigh them rationally and let people consent to said changes. Since it's not a persons place to rule over another person. Therefore technology and it's usages, even with advantages to them are risks.

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