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Kay Ohtie

@thomasfuchs VR was always so weird with corporate crap. Really fun for gaming and certain types of social experiences, and still evolving, very cool stuff...

But not a fucking work monitor and it's absurd that in 2023 Apple was like "Everyone else has failed at making VR into a replacement work environment, but we'll be able to, it also costs 3x what a Macbook that can outperform it costs."

Zuck trying to drop billions into turning a Quest 2 into a business meeting environment like.. ??

All these company execs have such enormous "I think it's going to change the future therefore it definitely will" burned into their brains because the employees at their company make them successful _despite_ them, not _because_ of them. Aaaaaa.

Noxy 🐾

@KayOhtie @thomasfuchs your last paragraph especially is such an important point that more folks need to understand

like it's easy to shit on Tesla and the fascist who runs it, but some of the stuff the actual engineers who put in actual work actually accomplish is remarkable enough for them to get their own credit and recognition instead of the rich fuck who bought the company and contributed nothing

Kay Ohtie

@noxypaws oh definitely, they have neat engineering on electric but don't know anything about making cars themselves, vastly better options from other makers if one were looking for an EV now x3

Noxy 🐾

@KayOhtie agreed! I'll stick with my union-built German EV


@noxypaws @KayOhtie @thomasfuchs It's kind of like how most of what Meta/Facebook does as a company is terrible but along the way they also happened to produce the awesome technology that's zstd compression and that I now use on all my disks.

Noxy 🐾

@odoben @KayOhtie @thomasfuchs yeah - unfortunate reality is that cool shit is largely funded by evil shit

but only because most shit is largely funded by evil shit, cool and uncool

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