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Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

@thomasfuchs 2025: Shall we meet again to swap some data on our external storages? I got some really good movies and documentaries from my friends! (sent as handwritten letter via snail mail)

Veronica Olsen 🏳️‍🌈🇳🇴🌻

@jwildeboer @thomasfuchs Ah, yes. Like the LAN parties 20+ years ago, which all started out by everyone clogging up the network by copying stuff from each other's shared folders. 😁


@jwildeboer @thomasfuchs @veronica was it really that bad that you had access to the data for years, without depending on a platform to stream it for you everytime you wanted to listen or watch something? also this step implies curation of the collection from a friend that you trust their taste. Finally for music the quantum was usually the album which is kinda what the artist intends for you to listen to instead of the song.


@jwildeboer @thomasfuchs I'll be damned if the ol' sneakernet makes a strong comeback.

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