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Eugen Rochko

If you are siding with Russia's government during this conflict, please block me.


@Gargron I've reached a similar conclusion. But I also understand the domestic issues that have led to a lack of support for NATO and the US. It's really a horrible situation all the way around. Which I guess is why Putin picked this time to do this, when the West is weakened by a corrupt and incompetent leadership.


Noam Chomsky has some insights into the matter that might help you understand the issue with the depth it deserves. I'm not siding with Russia but, not buying the US propaganda either (my country also abstained from voting on the matter in UN). One doesn't need to be forced to choose one bully over the other.
I hope US/Russia let democratic means prevail in Ukraine.

Eugen Rochko

@prasoon The whole world isn't about the US. It's not a choice between US and Russia. It's a choice between Ukraine and Russia.


Well, the US did have a role in helping a govt sympathetic to US take shape in Ukraine in 2014, post which Russia has been mounting attacks on Ukraine every year during spring. International relations/conflicts are never bilateral. I would urge you to inspect these conflicts (including those in other parts of the world that sadly don't get the SavingPrivateRyan like coverage on Guardian) with a broader perspective.

Eugen Rochko

@prasoon As someone who was born in Russia, can read original sources and has followed the events in Georgia and Ukraine ove the years I would think my perspective a little broader than you think.


@Gargron @prasoon yes, we read and we see all the perspective


I'm amazed that you still think this is a bilateral conflict and has no international causation or consequences. Anyway, I wish for the wellbeing of your friends and family, and hope Europe can stand together against the war machinery.


@Gargron What sources do you read? Independent media or garbage, because Russia is starting the final struggle with independent media


@Gargron @prasoon oof. Bad take. The choice was between NATO and Russia. Ukraine doesn't even figure into it.


@Gargron I will always support the Ukraine! #StandwithUkraine 🇺🇦
Russia taking Crimea back in 2014 was already bad enough. What Russia is doing is completely illegal.

I don't support dehumanizing the Russian people though, because they aren't the problem. Putin being overattached to the Ukraine like an ex-girlfriend is the fucking problem.


@Gargron i am with Ukraine cuz russia is full of vodka

G 🇮🇹

@Gargron If you are siding with Russia's government during this conflict, please go where that russian warship at Snake Island has been sent.


@Gargron Emotions run high at this moment. Russia should have insisted on the agreement to get put into practice instead of starting this.

And, to be realistic, all parts are to blame here. No one in the west spoke a word about the frigging Minsk agreement. I expected France and Germany, as parts of it, to come and speak about it, but they acted like they know nothing.

About Russia claiming that their security is at stake, just look back at what USA stated about russian bases in Cuba.

Jons Mostovojs

@Gargron if anyone sides with Russia, they would've sided with Hitler. Remember these people. They are sociopaths.

Deadly Headshot

@Gargron It's worrying the number of Pro-Kremlin accounts I've seen on here, though with Birdsite now blocked in Russia, I guess it's not the biggest surprise...

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