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Larry Anderson

Actual front page of a Florida newspaper today.

Dave Mason

We are special in the Sunshine State. ☹

Musa Nony

@DaveMasonDotMe @larand
Ya spelt speshul badly! Doncha know yer three Rs? 😜


@larand "Illustrate what's wrong with the USA using 1 image."

Michael Gemar

@larand I hope the contrast was intentional.

Jonathan Emmesedi


According to Florida Statutes 562.11, anyone who sells, gives, or serves alcohol to a person who is under 21 years of age does so illegally.



The editor had to have done that on purpose.


@kinyutaka @larand

The mass shooting at Perry High School in Iowa occurred on January 4, a full month ago.


@ulidig @larand

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the proposal to lower the gun buying age was also on January 4.

And the newspaper was printed on January 5.

And my comment was on January 5.

You are the one who is late here.


@kinyutaka @larand
Ah, it was shared today, and I read the date wrong when I enlarged the image. Sorry about that.


@larand This is what insanity looks like.


@larand one of the things i like about actual newspapers is the often very opinionated metacommentary of the physical layout

Phil Thane ✅

@larand Do Americans realise how crazy you seem to the rest of the world? Outside war zones and failed states guns are strictly controlled everywhere and the rest of us get on fine without them. But the US answer to a shooting is more guns. You can't all be mad so why don't the sane people out-vote the crazies?

Mandy May

It's a pandemic of mass fear, whipped up with billions in corporate investment. People need to forgive one another and dance in the streets, plant things together, make one another soup. Wake up from their screens.



and what is the answer?

Get all your friends and family and coworkers to register and vote

If you can, send money to winnable races (eg, no more Betos or Amy McGraths, although this is easier said then done)

write you local paper; I think they still pay attn to what readers say


Maybe if abortions were performed by tiny guns, red states would allow them.

kali yuga fornication
@cynblogger @larand i think americans call those "honor killings" when they're done by people in second world countries


"Our children suffered all we proclaimed just."


@larand sounds like school shootings are a real problem. The only thing that can be done is to close down as many schools as possible, as fast as possible. No schools, no school shootings, it really is that simple. /s

Jacqueline Jannotta

@larand insanity strikes again in Florida. Left at 18 and never looked back!

Debra Shannon

@larand why have an age limit for anything. My son at 4 was driving dirtbikes, so he should have been given a motorcycle and license, let him take himself to preschool. These people arghhhh


@larand the point is as it always has been, as many dead peasants as possible-- and we are the peasants


And good, sane Americans & the rest of the world are forced to live w this insanity.

Mick Pyro Official :verified:

@larand me, few days ago, on twitter. (it's sarcasm/dark humor)


@larand To be fair, you can enlist in the military at 18 and be sent overseas with a weapon in hand.

But, that's after professional training. Gun training and safety standards for civilians in the US are severely lacking. There's very few federal minimum standards regarding training, safe storage, etc. Even concealed carry is handled on a state by state basis with varying requirements, reciprocity rules, etc. It's a clusterfuck for any gun owner trying to do the right thing, and rife for abuse.

OhWeh 🤍 #RIPNatenom 💔

@larand If pupils shoot each other, you don't need an external idiot. 👍🏼

Roger Moore

That's the contemporary USA in one picture.

Doug Baker

@larand Bobby Payne: “But what about the elementary schools, huh? Have you thought about that?”

Laura G, Sassy Sixty-something

@larand I remember years ago the Austin-American Statesman had a headline upper left corner about how many millions Formula One racing was given in tax breaks to start up racing in Austin, Texas. In the lower left corner, a headline about how many millions were being cut from services to disabled children. No editorial comment was necessary, it was right there.

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