@forteller Some broad generalisations in there about ppl with disabilities and the elderly from "there are bikes for all kinds of disabilities" (really? 😳) to the fact a "short trip" in England means something different to what it means in Australia's suburban sprawl, for example.

The site also broadens its definition.of "cycling" to make it look more inclusive, eg when talking about the disabled and elderly, motorised equipment like scooters and e bikes are suddenly included in "cycling".

This is what happens when you get a group of fit, able people who know nil about disability or ageing writing to promote their own interests.

(Don't think it's their own interests? I don't see these cycling enthusiasts offering to set up a bike taxi service for those unable to pedal.)

If people can cycle, great, do it! But be honest. A few old people cycling means those people are lucky, not that every old person can do it.