@forteller I especially like the response about mandatory helmet use cus that's been such a bugbear of mine.

People get so judgmental about people not wearing helmets, especially if they can turn it into a spiel about how europeans suck out of some misguided sense of international rivalry.

Most of my biking is commuting on known roads at a pretty leisurely pace, most of the time wearing a helmet would only mean one more thing to carry once I arrive and I'm aware that's a tradeoff I'm making.

But sometimes it feels like the main reason to wear a helmet is so that maybe people won't blame you for your own injuries when a driver ignores right of way and runs you over.

And like, I do try to wear helmets when I can, I wear a helmet when longboarding or roller skating. Regardless of how effective helmets are, you'll almost never be in a position where you regret wearing a helmet, the issue I have is just when they become mandatory for already pretty safe cycling.