@lewiscowles1986 I experimented at one time with Turbo Pascal under CP/M if memory serves.
@lauren @lewiscowles1986
The thing I will always appreciate about Turbo Pascal on CP/M is that the code was compiled before my finger came off the "compile" key.
Wirth was sensitive to resource-limited environments (ditto Modula).
@tarheel @lewiscowles1986 Limited resources, ha! I had 64K of dynamic RAM!
What, no bank-switching? You poor boy. <patronizing pat-on-the-head hug emoji/>
@tarheel @lewiscowles1986 Had that too. But I was proud of that S-100 64K card.
S-100. Now I'm jealous.
@lauren @lewiscowles1986
The thing I will always appreciate about Turbo Pascal on CP/M is that the code was compiled before my finger came off the "compile" key.
Wirth was sensitive to resource-limited environments (ditto Modula).