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Lauren Weinstein

Niklaus Wirth, creator of PASCAL programming language and much more, dies at 89. Peace.


@lauren you may call him by his name or by his value

Michael E. Cohen

@lauren I was quite taken with his Pascal successor, Modula-2, and was sorry that it didn’t get more traction in the dev community.


I Never really got into PASCAL, but I did toy with a few implementations, and I did enjoy the difference between `=` and `:=`.

I could tell that was an effort to make things less ambiguous, and I appreciated that effort.

Lauren Weinstein

@lewiscowles1986 I experimented at one time with Turbo Pascal under CP/M if memory serves.

John Lusk

@lauren @lewiscowles1986

The thing I will always appreciate about Turbo Pascal on CP/M is that the code was compiled before my finger came off the "compile" key.

Wirth was sensitive to resource-limited environments (ditto Modula).

John Lusk

@lauren @lewiscowles1986

What, no bank-switching? You poor boy. <patronizing pat-on-the-head hug emoji/>

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