I met so many friends, the internet ones (hi andrew) and the offline ones (hi quinn), the far away ones (hi leo) and the nearby ones (hi ctbk). I nerded out with people more knowledgeable in my own talk topic than I am, I heard some amazing things in the few talks I did visit (the Lützerath and Assange talks were *on fire*, a shame they weren’t recorded). I held two talks, and my main talk was appreciated lots by people in-person and online. (7/11)
Someone made a viral post of mine into a professionally-made sign and gifted it to me. I met someone by accident while waiting for a friend and oops, here I go again, turning one of these events into a four-day date. (We need more places to have sex discretely, I’m not the kind to disrespect the Nap-Lab rules.) Maybe that’s the reason I feel so incredibly good about Congress, but it can’t be all of it, so many other memories are with me now. (8/11)