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kleines Filmröllchen

Post-congress depression hit not as hard as I had expected, maybe because I’ve been feeling so much better than in a while. And watching talks and speaking with my new relationships-are-complicated person has been carrying the spirit over.

I’m with the Chaos for about a year now, maybe one and a half if you count me joining thanks to @networkexception. I know why I’m part of this community. (9/11)

kleines Filmröllchen

I was really at a low point just before Congress and it helped immensely, just like anything I do with all of you does. Every one of you make me feel loved and important and worthy. I don’t get those feelings too much from other places, and definitely not in such a massive sum as here.

So yeah. Here’s to many more years of Congress, GPN, and whatnot. (10/11)

kleines Filmröllchen

I’ve not even been to many of the smaller Chaos events due to lack of time and interest, but let’s see what I can do :)

Much love to everyone I met in Hamburg, and much love to everyone else as well.

~ klfr

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