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John Ripley

The neoconservative Republican Party took 5-10 years off US persons for decades, and this accounts for probably tens of millions of lives (in person-years) in the US, and more globally from foreign policy. Probably the most psychopathic mass killers the world has ever had.


@jripley @bruces @skry it’s amazing that pretty much every socio/economic chart you can name goes off the rails right at Reagan’s first term.

Baron Vonskinnback

@jonathankoren @jripley @bruces @skry to be fair the lengths to which they went to get him elected, including doing a deal with Iran to hold on to American hostages for longer so they could use it as a politician attack line leading to the Iran-Contra affair, you knew what they wanted to do was going to be bad for everyone but the rich & powerful. They sunk the economy, cut taxes, murdered millions of innocent people & destroyed the American dream, all they needed was a figurehead as president.

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