screw it. i’m gonna say my truth: we’re all playing it too fast and loose with spring animations in iOS apps. go back to nature and use a cubic ease-in-out. it doesn’t ALL need to be a spring.
screw it. i’m gonna say my truth: we’re all playing it too fast and loose with spring animations in iOS apps. go back to nature and use a cubic ease-in-out. it doesn’t ALL need to be a spring. 7 comments
@samhenrigold way too much overshoot out there. Most apps need to learn that there’s nothing wrong with a critically damped spring. @cdoncarroll my absolute biggest pet peeve is when a spring is applied to opacity so it hits 100% and dips back down and goes back to 100%. so sloppy. sam henri gold, actually, I do use spring for opacity in that photo viewer transition in the mastodon app, but I do it carefully enough that you don't notice. Couldn't do it any other way because it has to stay in sync with other parameters. @grishka Gestures made by people are organic and fallible, so it makes sense to use an organic animation. In contrast, when something happens in response to an external factor, I don’t think that inherently warrants a spring animation. If we had comments coming in live via websockets and they just bounce and wobble in, I think that’s too much |