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A Slightly Orange Cat

@luna Perhaps ActivityPub / Mastodon needs a protocol by which two people on different servers who have a mutually affirmed relationship are always allowed to interact, regardless of the rules of their servers.


@mbrailer There's no need for a protocol extension, this would already be possible if admins only blocked instances for safety or security reasons.

A Slightly Orange Cat

@yepoleb Thank you for your explanation. Is it then possible, assuming instance A is blocking instance B, for a user on A to follow a user on B?


@mbrailer As I understand it, instance A needs to limit instance B, not block it for that to be possible. Limiting hides all content from the instance but allows follower interactions.


@yepoleb @mbrailer I wonder if blocking for legal reasons is (already) a thing. Consider someone on a smaller instance posting copyright-protected content. Lets say that instance is hosted in some foreign country with slow courts. So copyright owner's lawyers fire off a load of cease-and-desists to all instances they can reach.
As an admin of a small self-hosted instance, would you resist?

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