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Sunny 🟦

Even more incredible when you consider digital cameras hadn’t been invented, so you couldn’t just snap off a dozen pics and instantly delete the rejects. And no 1-hour “Developing Machines” at the drug stores either. You either developed the film yourself, or waited for it to go to a lab and come back, usually as slides. I think most professionals developed their own. Most camera stores sold the Developer and Fixer (etc) chemicals by the gallon.

And besides all that? Photographing cats!?!? Incredible!

Paul Quirk

@Sunny @jeffowski photography used to be an art and a science. The chemistry was part of a magical process. Perhaps the thing we lost with all our progress is learning how to shoot less with more care. Imagine not having dozens of rejects, and being in the moment you are capturing, thinking about lighting and composition instead of digging through menus on a screen to tweak your HDR settings.

Sunny 🟦

@quirk @jeffowski
Yup! Now everyone’s a “photographer”, and if they can’t take descent photos, they get a computer app that make them up out of bits and pieces of a million stolen photos memorized by AI scraping the real photos that chronicle our memories.

Anyway, it took centuries for photography to drive artist-painters mostly out of the world of capturing reality, and only taken a couple decades for the art of photography to be reduced to binary code. The same tragic transformation is happening to all of our art forms. 3D printers and sculpting. Music. Acting. All falling victims to technological gluttony.

@quirk @jeffowski
Yup! Now everyone’s a “photographer”, and if they can’t take descent photos, they get a computer app that make them up out of bits and pieces of a million stolen photos memorized by AI scraping the real photos that chronicle our memories.

Anyway, it took centuries for photography to drive artist-painters mostly out of the world of capturing reality, and only taken a couple decades for the art of photography to be reduced to binary code. The same tragic transformation is happening...

Paul Quirk

@Sunny @jeffowski I have a different perspective. Most of society is made up of trend chasers trying to figure out their identity and seek ease and convenience while trying to gain recognition and popularity; they will always go from one fad to the next and will always be sold profitable convenience. We still have artist-painters today, and for those who really appreciate the art of photography, we still have film. I can still buy Kentmere and develop it, and my Pentax K1000 still works fine.

Paul Quirk

@Sunny @jeffowski What is art? Many want to get into photography to feed their ego, but end up just working for big advertising companies so they can sell people a false dream. That isn't art, it's just a job. Art has become highly commercialized in the modern world where it has become a career. But then there's people like Maud Lewis who's paintings sold well into a time when photography supposedly drove the painters out. This is from my K1000, Kentmere 100, developed myself, 2020

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