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Alex Schroeder

Every time I upgrade my system I look at the list of packages and wonder whether I could uninstall some of them. I look at their description and try to uninstall them. That lists all the things that will get uninstalled alongside it and so the process repeats, lots of exploring of packages, and then, eventually, they're gone.
And when I reboot, it's my time to cry, maybe… at least that's what I fear. Going to reboot right now to get past that feeling of dread.

Alex Schroeder

Ironically, I started using Sway, and Wayland, and dropped a session or login manager, and felt ready to drop the xserver… When I rebooted, everything seems to work. The terminal. Firefox. But hilariously, dmenu no longer works: "cannot open display".

Alex Schroeder

Well, now I'm trying to build emacs-29 and when I run ./configure it says:


configure: error: cannot find required auxiliary files:


Alex Schroeder

Switched from dmenu to wofi. In fact I have two keybindings. The regular GUI+d now runs desktop files; GUI+shif+d does what dmenu used to do: run executables from $PATH.

Alex Schroeder

So how's the Sway-and-no-X11 adventure going? Right now the only thing that's annoying me is that the Firefox notifications are maximized. They used to be pretty large but "float" over on the right edge of the display. So that's not cool. Gotta figure out how to get that back. #sway

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