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Klaus Zimmermann :unverified:

@Jeremiah for comparison, the *entire* fundraising drive of the #FSF is 375,000 USD.

That single Mozilla CEO cops a whopping *18 times* more than the goal funding of the entire FSF for 2024!

Fundraising bar for FSF on Dec 29 2023. Progress: 291239 / 375000 USD
1 comment
Peter Motte

@kzimmermann @Jeremiah I use M FF to make sure the others don't get a monopoly. I started using FF years ago because of problems with MS IE. With FF I had less problems. In those days MS had over 90% of the browser market. Using FF by me has nothing to do with some kind of ethical question, it has to do with defending against monopolists. If FF would get a monopoly, I would get out of it.

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