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Bill PleinšŸŒ¶

@thomasfuchs I have an 80s throwback (that I bought new in the mid-80s in college) that I need to re-cap. Hafler DH-500. But I have no idea where Iā€™d use it at this point. Maybe I should just build a big subwoofer around it.

Paul Horn

@bplein @thomasfuchs Old Hafler stuff is amazing.

Iā€™m listening to an Erick Satie vinyl right now through a DH-101 preamp and DH-220 amp. Sounds better than any of the more modern stuff around the house. The POOGE series regarding upgrades supposedly helps improve them even further, but these are stock kit builds from the early eighties. Dirty switches and pots are my biggest issue.

And ā€œhell yesā€ to turning that DH-500 into a monoblock sub amp. You might need a separate circuit to power it, tho šŸ˜…

@bplein @thomasfuchs Old Hafler stuff is amazing.

Iā€™m listening to an Erick Satie vinyl right now through a DH-101 preamp and DH-220 amp. Sounds better than any of the more modern stuff around the house. The POOGE series regarding upgrades supposedly helps improve them even further, but these are stock kit builds from the early eighties. Dirty switches and pots are my biggest issue.

Paul Horn

@bplein @thomasfuchs The DH-101 is a stand-in for a rebuilt Dynaco PAT 4 preamp my dad had. Itā€™s visible beneath the turntable. He paid a small fortune in the late 90s/early 2000s to Audio by Van Alstine to rebuild it with all new circuitry and jacks. It has a terrible problem with static discharge from the table, so Iā€™m using the Hafler instead until I get that sorted.

The tree is older than any other component except the Dynaco. It has writing on the bottom that says a kid in my momā€™s grade school class gave it to her in 1969.

@bplein @thomasfuchs The DH-101 is a stand-in for a rebuilt Dynaco PAT 4 preamp my dad had. Itā€™s visible beneath the turntable. He paid a small fortune in the late 90s/early 2000s to Audio by Van Alstine to rebuild it with all new circuitry and jacks. It has a terrible problem with static discharge from the table, so Iā€™m using the Hafler instead until I get that sorted.

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