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Uditt Lamba :verified:

@forrestbrazeal I personally love llms. You just need to see them as highly intelligent but autistic interns. They cut down dev time by a lot. I don’t think ai can go back to a time before copilot. Although it should only be used by people who already understand the code llms generate. Because that over zealous intern is sometimes incorrect and you need to be experienced enough to detect that.


@forrestbrazeal @udittlamba can we not use autism to describe being bad at stuff? Considering how many people both on fedi and in dev are in fact autistic.

eestileib (she/her/emacs)

@yayroos @forrestbrazeal @udittlamba

Indeed, this is pretty rude to a whole lot of people here (and also overlooks the fact that a shitload of excellent engineers are autistic).

Joel Falcou, Ph. D

@udittlamba @yayroos @forrestbrazeal well as someone on the spectrum,I will politely ask you to stfu about things you have no experience.

We have enoufh already with reminding people we are.not.idiot savant all the time

Uditt Lamba :verified:

@joel_falcou @yayroos @forrestbrazeal dude you have a phD can your comment be any less ironic? 😂

Uditt Lamba :verified:

@joel_falcou @yayroos @forrestbrazeal I don’t listen to any white man telling me what to do. Keep your privilege to yourself.

Joel Falcou, Ph. D

@udittlamba @yayroos @forrestbrazeal well ausitic people don't care about fake outrage. We have other thing to do...


@udittlamba how would you describe what autism is?

Uditt Lamba :verified:

@yayroos @forrestbrazeal you guys are so privileged to be offended at the stupidest shit. That’s what living in the first world gets you and I hate it. You trivialise issues by making everything an issue when there isn’t any.

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