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Karim Le Vallois

@ivory Awesome guys! Would it be possible to get trends etc. to pull in from federated rather than just local in the future? My single user instance is looking sad πŸ˜”

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@karim Unfortunately we don't have any control over that. Hopefully Mastodon makes improvements for smaller instances as we have the same issue here. πŸ™‚

Karim Le Vallois

@ivory Yeah, I have a number relays pulling in from a few instances to also pull in followed hashtags, but I guess that’s the downside of smaller instances.

Stefan Grund :eay:

@ivory @karim Wanted to ask for that, too, because here on it’s just me. πŸ˜… In Mona itβ€˜s possible to view the trends of other instances, maybe something like this would be an option for Ivory?

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