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Ethan Zuckerman

How big is YouTube? It's a hard question: it took us almost two years to solve it. But now we know, and we've published a big paper in the Journal of Quantitative Description:

And here's a blog post from me explaining why this is an interesting question and a little bit of what it took us to answer it:

Expect lots more from me on YouTube and what it means to study the long tail of the internet - the quotidian web - when I'm no longer knocked on my back with COVID.

J. Nathan Matias 🦣

@ethanz Congratulations Ethan & Team- I remember when this was just the beginning of an idea.

It's wild that such a basic question that all governance systems start with — how much is there to govern — has been so absent from conversations about governing online platforms.

Timnit Gebru (she/her)

@ethanz Very interesting. I think this is very relevant to some work we're doing at DAIR too.

Ethan Zuckerman

@timnitGebru Drop me a note and let me see if we can help on anything. This is ongoing work for us, and we'll make sets accessible for partners who can give strong privacy guarantees.

Barry Goldman

@ethanz haha dialing random v=s that's just what i thot of when begining to read ur blog. cool.

Barry Goldman

@ethanz wait... but is the assumption that the v=number realy IS randomly assigned? hmm

Ethan Zuckerman

@barrygoldman1 The nice thing about polling a few billion at random and publishing the results via peer review - we're pretty damned sure they're random... :-)


@ethanz Oh this is cool! Thanks for the amazing read. Hope you feel better soon!

Barry Goldman

@ethanz fun game. i tried google searching for "watch?v=" followed by 4 characters

ghet about a dozen each so that finds me
12*62^4 only a ~100million.


Ethan Zuckerman

@barrygoldman1 Right - Google search doesn't index enough videos for you to get a correct answer. That's why we did it the hard way... :-)

Barry Goldman

@ethanz about one hundredth of them. hmm... but it IS a curious and easy way to find some really random vids

Ethan Zuckerman

@barrygoldman1 you might collect a few and use tubestats to compare to our data set. I am betting they will be far more popular than the median of our set.

Silvester zum Knast

just picture men being exposed to the same hurts as women and you get the message.
In German we say Männerschnupfen to indicate utmost severe suffering, and i think it's beautiful

Clive Thompson


That "drunk dialing" technique is brilliant!

Great paper

Good luck with COVID -- I just tested postive today myself, wooooo yay


@ethanz I have like a dozen questions and comments but I'll save them for when you're feeling better. Get well soon!


@ethanz this is toooo cool!!! Wow, congrats on getting this done, it was very interesting reading through the approach.

Howard Rheingold

@Slatteryz I was going to start a book on Youtube when I decided to retire instead.

Gaëtan Leurent

Nice work!

Do you have an estimate of the YouTube data storage size?


Hi, sorry, probably a dumb question:
billion = 1000 million?
Billion = million million?

Sam Alder

@amunizp @ethanz

The OP works in the US so the most likely answer is Billion = 1000 million.

Sam Alder

@ethanz very cool to see some answers on this question. I wish the companies would just be more transparent but I guess that would be bad for capitalism or something.

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