@anne_twain @kjhealy
No, it's a paper terminal - you type commands which appear on paper (printed by the dot matrix head), and the remote computer responds by printed output. You then have a record of the work performed.
@anne_twain @kjhealy 2 comments
@DenOfEarth @anne_twain @kjhealy U of Calgary graduated from Marsland Teletypewriters with a big roll of newsprint and 110 bps (thus, 11 char/sec at 10 bits/byte for error correction)....to these DECs, which used the same folding-paper as big line printers for mainframes, and upped the game to 300 bps. (selectric-type print head could not move that fast, dot-matrix needed). https://museum.cs.kuleuven.be/varian/teletype-E.html Then came VDTs, same stream as paper; no XY control until the PC. |
@DenOfEarth @kjhealy Okay, thanks. 🙂