it's soon christmas, which is a forever mood on fediverse (padoru padoru)

but WAIT! I have a present for users AND the whole fediverse, because why being generous with a few when it costs nothing to make it broad? :nkoThink:

I made a quick project earlier this week, a service for users to request me emojis
because I'm a baka :cirno_baka: I often forget to add them and they become forgotten forever :yotsuba_why: (poor users)

so let me introduce you to Emojiquest, a basic form to request emoji.
it's 200 LoC, backend and HTML templates, KISS and just enough for the task :yotsuba_yay:

see how it looks on the two attached screenshots (I'm a great web designer, but hey it's responsive! And likely accessible too)

and of course it's open-source:
(that's also where I spent time to write the documentation, so do me a favour and read it :nkoKnife: )

regardless what's happening where you are and your life situation, I wish you a good end of year and may the best for 2024 happen to you :dangolove: