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Michael Porter

@MetalSnake @thomasfuchs @researchfairy @harshad Yup, and Scott Forstall let that light shine brightly while he was in charge of iOS… But Steve was a big fan of Ive and ultimately had say over the direction that Ive took the look of the Mac and its OS.

Disclaimer—I’m not an Apple historian, just grumpy.


@MichaelPorter @thomasfuchs @researchfairy @harshad The timeline is like this: Steve Jobs died. Scott f* up Maps. Tim Cook fired Scott because of it and assigned Ive to GUI design. And we got the ugly mess we have today.
Jobs loved Ive's hardware design. But he never wanted that minimalism design for software.

Michael Porter

@MetalSnake @thomasfuchs @researchfairy @harshad Ah, okay - more than ten years on and I’m already mixing up dates 😊

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