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11 posts total
The research fairy

"Should we privatize this thing?"


"Should we give control over this thing to an unelected rich person who has no reason to act in the public good?"

Are exactly the same question

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Lyle Solla-Yates

@researchfairy Something we often do in land use regulation is assume bad faith, the worst actor. What is the worst case? For privatization this strikes me as a fantastic approach given the track record.



Ah, yes. This and also throwing public services under the bus by not funding them nearly enough is usually the case.

Bjørn Stærk 🇳🇴

@researchfairy you can privatise ownership but regulate how the service is operated, set rules for pricing etc. not saying this is necessarily a good idea, but it is a thing that is done in practice. requires a government that is willing and able to, of course.

The research fairy

"Only allow mutual followers to reply" on Masto when

Heals :heart_nb: (comms open)

@researchfairy @tamitha - I'm trying to think if that wouldn't be more useful as a post visibility setting?

Unless you want to put something out but while having it publicly visible be extremely restrictive on who’s response you accept.

eena meena me

@researchfairy followers only visibility would also be nice… like, there's a bunch of shit i'd like to talk about (like parenting related stuff), but don't share because I haven't really curated my followers well enough here.

The research fairy

Them: So you're the soothsayer, you can tell us what is to come

Me: Ha ha no common misconception; I'm the oofsayer, I can only commiserate in your misfortunes

Them: So we wasted all this time searching for you

Me: Oof

The research fairy

If "boiling the oceans to run the server farms" isn't number one on your "existential risks to humanity posed by AI" then you can stop talking about existential risks to humanity forever thanks

The research fairy

Here's my pitch

You know how some websites have a little progress bar highlight across the top of the page to show how much of the page you've read?

Imagine a similar tool that shows you how much of the page is in view and how much remains, but persistently visible on every window on your computer, along the right side, integrated into a user interface tool that's wide enough that you can click on it, and not a moving target that disappears sometimes

I call it the "scroll bar"

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Matt Thomas

@researchfairy I turned on “always show scroll bars” on a family members new computer and they were honestly more thrilled about that than any of the new modern features


@researchfairy This is exactly why I am now old, miserable and hate the Internet.

The research fairy

On the one hand, there's that Douglas Adams quote about irrationally hating technologies that appear after the age of 35

On the other hand, when you're over 35, you're old enough to remember that they're re-using the same lie that they told you, two tech hype cycles ago

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Thanasis Kinias

*fondly remembering how the Internet was going to make authoritarianism impossible*


@researchfairy 👋 dot-com crash rememberer reporting in. I’d just left school and wanted to be a web designer. Same shit two and a half decades later.

The research fairy

ChatGPT is like

What if instead of paying a research assistant to do a boring and repetitive task

Instead a computer does it

But the computer is powered by Kenyans being called the n-word for exploitatively bad wages

And every time you bring this up, people handwaive your concerns away condescendingly

Jeremy Kahn


It's the moral logic/shuffling externalities of buying indulgences or paying a sin eater.

"Let's put all the awfulness over somewhere I don't have to think about it"


@researchfairy missed this article somehow, sent it to my coworker with just

'the ethics of AI'

Elda King

@researchfairy What if we had the computers write, paint, compose, teach and design, while humans kept seeing disturbing, traumatic content so that the computer didn't need to see it. Looks like a healthy relationship with labor and technology. Nothing wrong with it at all, no sir.

The research fairy

I love e-ink ereaders because they're like this vestige of when tech was good

The battery lasts like a month

They work fine (better) without an internet connexion

You can interact with them using the file manager and it's perfectly good

The files are an open format

It isn't surveillance ad-tech

The research fairy

It took 30 mins for a bro to come into my mentions to try to "well actually" me about the adtech thing

The research fairy

The best part of Star Trek

Is the deicide

Not just casual arrogant atheism

But "your god is real and we will kill him"

And "what did god need with a starship anyway?"

The research fairy

That said

"Your god is real and we will kill him"

Sounds like the name

Of a Culture ship

The research fairy

Ah, :RSS:, I never stopped believing in you

Carl Cravens

@researchfairy Google did, though, and that was nearly a death-blow. But :rss: is a fighter.

Mike Harley

@researchfairy Agreed! I saw someone comparing RSS to a rotary phone and I was quite offended honestly. Rude. RSS is awesome.

The research fairy

Does your instance have a policy against federating with Twitter, in case they ever came to Fedi?

Scholar has had the following in its terms since 2020:

> Scholar Social will suspend any instance launched, acquired or funded by Alphabet, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, or Elsevier.

Vincent Mousseau, MSc RSW

@researchfairy Yet again confirming that I chose the right instance. :success:

Thanks for all of the work that you do to keep this space awesome! 😍

Adnan 🦙

@researchfairy @shobha What if Tumblr came to #fediverse because they have been preparing to do so.

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