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I hung the disks inside my coat from bulldog clips with some sewing thread. It was flimsy but good enough for the occasion. I wonder how real illicit street vendors do this... It has to be easily removable when you make a sale...

The "anonimity bar" I'm wearing are some sunglasses from Addie Wagenknecht and Stefan Hechenberger (their names are printed on the legs of the glasses, I did not remember this). I assume I saw them at the Mediamatic at some point.

There are a few cables sticking out of my bag. A ethernet cable, a USB-A cable and a euro power plug.


@kingannoy if I may ask, what are the stickers/patches on your bag. I recognise some but others I have no idea/can't read.
Awesome costume btw


Sure, no problem!

From left to right top to bottom (roughly):
- Mullvad VPN (good VPN provider, no logs, high privacy)
- The Sterntastatur logo for the Chaos Computer Club
- Bits Of Freedom (Dutch internet freedom organisation)
- Don't ■■■■■■ the Internet (French internet freedom org)
- Tor (The Onion Router, can give a high degree of anonymity online)
- Get off the internet, I'll meet you in the streets. (Riseup provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change)
- Come Back With A Warrant. EFF (US internet freedom org)
- Stickers Not NFTS
- I Void Warranties
- May Contain Hackers (Hacker/activist camp/festival in the Netherlands)
- Business in Front, Party in back. Property of Pulfer Brewery Corp. (Beer brewer that did a cyber themed beer run and had these nice stickers for it)

Sure, no problem!

From left to right top to bottom (roughly):
- Mullvad VPN (good VPN provider, no logs, high privacy)
- The Sterntastatur logo for the Chaos Computer Club
- Bits Of Freedom (Dutch internet freedom organisation)
- Don't ■■■■■■ the Internet (French internet freedom org)
- Tor (The Onion Router, can give a high degree of anonymity online)
- Get off the internet, I'll meet you in the streets. (Riseup provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory...

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