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World Wide Web Consortium

Tim Berners-Lee invented the Web and Vint Cerf invented the Internet. Some people often talk about one but mean the other.

They once wore custom-made t-shirts to help identify which invention was theirs! #aboutW3C

Gavin Brown

@w3c what I've always loved about this photo is the wording of the T shirts: Vint is not the sort of person who uses contractions...


@gbxyz @w3c Nor, from the looks of it, wears t-shirts.

Gavin Brown

@bill @w3c indeed! He wore a three-piece suit in high school

eestileib (she/her/emacs)

@gbxyz @bill @w3c

I once walked past Vint giving a talk and actually thought "Damn I'd like to meet his tailor", Zevon-style.

Dude was sharp at all times.

Richard R Lee

’Success has many Fathers (#Inventors), whilst #Failure is an orphan’. These two sad #oldgits should just #STFU and go away.



@w3c once overheard a tour guide at CERN "you see this plate? This is where the world wide web was invented. Do you know what this means? The world wide web - the INTERNET - was invented here"

That said, I don't think pedantry helps us anything here. www is colloquially just internet in 90ies English, so include the Wikipedia articles on the t-shirts or don't bother. The guide was tiptoeing the line of "technically correct while deliberately misleading" and slipped into "actually wrong".

Arosano aka Niels

@w3c You should sell two-packs with both to the rest of us ;)

Steve In Texas

@w3c Looks like one of them is about to give birth to something!


I'm absolutely not surprised after the average people have been confused about the difference between the internet and the world wide web for quite some time. It's just fitting to confuse the two men too, they are at least being consistent.

she hacked you

@w3c I can not really explain it but I derive a lot of joy knowing these people are still alive, and Linus even if he is a bit of a dick, and old men who talk about the early cryptowars

It all happened so fast, it makes my mind race and other times the speed is a bit nauseating

Mx. Eddie R

Margaret Hamilton, one of the mothers of software engineering and crewed space flight, is also still alive. Can you imagine being in one of their shoes, seeing what's been built, both good and bad, on their work?
Wild to think how quickly we've advanced the technology!

she hacked you

@silvermoon82 What a wonderful image, I have so many esoteric early computer science images but this one is totally new to me.

Thank you so much for sharing that with me; really brings me joy, sincerely.

Mx. Eddie R

It's one of my absolute favourite pictures from computer history. It's somehow so real, you know? Like, just a giant nerd being super thrilled with her work.

she hacked you

@silvermoon82 The fact that its the code for the Apollo Flight computer gives me chills. It is a very weird feeling to have so much emotion tied up into this, but I absolutely do.

she hacked you

@petejohanson @silvermoon82 I'm not a fan of lego, just personally, nothing against them.

But I was all over that large picture of her as a lego brick set. Saved the larger version of it, and its an awesome picture. Thank you for sharing that.


@w3c How did they expect their inventions to do good in the world?

cute tran*sexual menace

@impooortant @w3c I guess they both solved distinct problems and didn't much guess what other uses would evolve from those technologies.


@w3c nice touch with the "didn't" on Tim's shirt (instead of did not)

World Wide Web Consortium

@gobbh if you hover on the image you'll see the alt text - Tim is on the left.

General encouragement to everyone, alt text is both accessible and cool!


@w3c This reminds me!

I once interviewed Vint Cerf for a project that never got finished (Curse you ADHD!!), he's a very chill person, who else would accept an interview from a (then) 14 year old?

(I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing him, I'll link the interview video later if you all want)

(Gods this sounds like bragging, and it kinda is, but I just think it's cool and I want to share it)

scrottie (he/him/they)

@_luna @w3c If you did finish that, that would be a great thing to share =)


@scrottie @w3c @scrottie @w3c I was young and dumb, so there's probably a lot that's just... bad, but here's the unedited (mostly, except for a bad attempt at censoring) video

(Vint actually recorded this and sent it, as my mac wouldn't do system audio recordings for... some reason)

(repost cause i shared the wrong link)


@w3c I did try to get an interview with Tim Berners-Lee for the same project, but he never did respond to my email, ah well

Sean :nivenly: 🦬

@w3c this is obviously untrue, everyone knows Jon Postel invented the Internet and web, for how could they exist without RFC, IANA, and other such critical work.

Darac Marjal

@witch_of_winter @w3c strictly speaking Jon Postel may have invented the Internet, but everyone accepts the fact that someone else did. #ProgrammerHumour

haliphax 👾

@w3c Did they decide individually whether or not their shirt would use contractions? :)


@w3c That's a great photo. Does anyone know if either are on Mastodon, or the Fediverse in general?

🐀 ␆

@w3c Did Bob Metcalfe get a combo shirt with both messages?

Darac Marjal

@w3c This feels like a fake. Vint Cerf in anything less than a three-piece suit? Shocking!


I'll just sit quietly over here with Dave Arneson and Nicola Tesla.


@w3c Vint Cerf has a very pointy outie!


@w3c Well, at least the shirts are accurate?

"The word Internet was used in 1945 by the United States War Department in a radio operator's manual, and in 1974 as the shorthand form of Internetwork."

Or sometimes: Intergalactic Network of Computers.

IMHO, "The Internet" did not begin with TCP in 1983.

Moreover, I'd posit that Dr. Marshall Kirk McKusick, who was largely responsible for the implementation of what is now often termed the BSD TCP/IP stack while he was an undergraduate at UC Berkeley working with the CSRG had a LOT more to do with TCP being deployed (also see the BBN BS recounted here):

Computer networks go back to at least SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] from the 1950s, but the Internet largely evolved out of NLS (oNLine System) from Doug Engelbart's Augment group at SRI in the 1960s, particularly after J.C.R. Licklider gave them (D)ARPA funding; albeit at that point in time, it ran NCP (Network Control Program). TCP "flag day" wasn't until 1983, but "the Internet" was already in operation with RFCs, FTP and more, long before then.

@w3c Well, at least the shirts are accurate?

"The word Internet was used in 1945 by the United States War Department in a radio operator's manual, and in 1974 as the shorthand form of Internetwork."

Or sometimes: Intergalactic Network of Computers.

IMHO, "The Internet" did not begin with TCP in 1983.

Carlos Alberto Zepeda

@w3c one created the roads and the other created the vehicles to travel those roads?

Jasper 🍉

@w3c how many billions of dollars do they own?

scrottie (he/him/they)

@w3c Vint Cerf did too invent the Web. That's why we call it Web Cerfing.

Aidan Harding

@w3c some excellent shirt wearing that @shirtforce would appreciate

Marty Fouts

@w3c could we not minimize the contribution of at least a dozen people involved in inventing the original ARPAnet? Cerf did major work but so did Jon Postel and others. No single person invented the internet.


@w3c So the avenging dragon of the library gods only has two heads? I’d expect at least 7-12.


@w3c reminds me we had this on our end of Year Trivia Question and most didn't get it right


@w3c OMG I did not know both of them, thanks for the heads up!

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