Some people are comparing man pages and info and … I don't know. I cannot imagine documenting Emacs with just man pages. I think it's cool that Perl is documented in man pages but I also think that a book is cool. I hate the fact that Python is documented as neither man pages no info! That's the worst. Anyway. I like man pages for small to medium tools. I find the bash man page is stretching it, for example.

Pick the right tool for the job.

Also, I try to organise my latest project as a bunch of subcommands so that I can write a man page for each. And already I'm feeling it. How many man pages does this tool really need? Perhaps a book-like hypertext would have been better?

Anyway. I don't think that man is a good ebook or hypertext reader and some things need an ebook or a hypertext. And some command line tools are perfectly documented with man pages, of course!

Except for git subcommands. Those… options… need… I dunno. A redesign. 🔥 🔥 🔥