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Brian Hawthorne

@freediverx From Rodale’s basic natural foods cookbook, Copyright ©️ 1984 by Rodale Press, Inc.

350 °F.


So, using Kagi search, the first result contained the correct answer.

Susan Calvin

@freediverx @bhawthorne AI result spam is super annoying, and it was very common in my DDG results for anything at all. I think recipes are a little difficult anyway and human writers could result in a similar range, are the other answers specifically wrong or just different? (Results I see with lower temps suggest more time, similar results?)


@freediverx @bhawthorne OK, but without the physical book as the true source you can't trust that those articles are correct. That's the entire point the OP was making.


@nurglerider @bhawthorne
No argument there. I was just pointing out that Kagi is a far better search engine than google or DDG.

Brian Hawthorne

@freediverx It gave me an answer. I have never heard of “Culinary Hill” so it is not an answer I am going to risk my expensive hazelnuts experimenting with. Which is good because it says 10-15 minutes at 350F. Now, hidden in the commentary, but not in the recipe itself is the warning:
“Hazelnuts: Cooking times vary depending on which method you choose, and you can toast blanched hazelnuts (no skins) the same way. Keep an eye on your hazelnuts. They can go from zero to burnt in under a minute. Don’t walk away.”

So, the correct answer is 350° F, stir after five minutes, then keep checking every minute until done. If I had believed the 10-15 minutes, I would have set my timer for 10 minutes, checked them, and I would have overcooked the hazelnuts.

So CulinaryHill has now showed itself to be another ad-driven mess designed to make the owner money, rather than a site designed to share information with other cooks.

@freediverx It gave me an answer. I have never heard of “Culinary Hill” so it is not an answer I am going to risk my expensive hazelnuts experimenting with. Which is good because it says 10-15 minutes at 350F. Now, hidden in the commentary, but not in the recipe itself is the warning:
“Hazelnuts: Cooking times vary depending on which method you choose, and you can toast blanched hazelnuts (no skins) the same way. Keep an eye on your hazelnuts. They can go from zero to burnt in under a minute. Don’t walk away.”

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