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Simon Poole

@zverik the problem is literally everybody knows that you can just use google if the worst comes to the worst (or Apple, Here, Tomtom not to mention a multitude of national and local entities that are competing in the same space) instead of OSM. Our USPs are fairly thin.

Ilya Zverev

@simon "You" as a person, not as a company big enough to get millions in Google bills. That's the point: we market to individuals while we're most important to organizations and governments.

Simon Poole

@zverik Any company spending millions on google is going to be spending millions if OSM is involved or not.

We've always been marketing it as if it is a free lunch, but it isn't -particularly not for large users.

Ilya Zverev

@simon You know it's not about spending money — it's about control. Money is the same, level of control and vendor lock-in is very different.

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