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It’s official: more than 400 new extensions are now available on Firefox for Android πŸ”₯

↫❦ Noptisun ❦↬

@calisti unfortunately not, Apple does not allow that. Don't use 🍎 if you wanna have nice things.

Calisti πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ¦‡

@Noptisun 🍎 things are mostly pretty nice. As a long time android user, I was surprised and I don’t want to go back. But 🍎 has a some very weird ways of β€žprotectingβ€œ their ecosystem, and it’s about time someone sued them about that.

↫❦ Noptisun ❦↬

@calisti it's not any weirder than Google products. It's just that their main profit source isn't your data, but you buying as much of their hardware as possible. Sole existence of 🍎 ecosystem revolves around making user buy more and more 🍎 crap. Problems stem from that.

Calisti πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ¦‡

@Noptisun Just, it’s not crap, it’s actually very good hardware, and the software is enjoyable to use, with the exception discussed here.

I’ve got an iPhone and a Samsung Galaxy SomethingSomething (work phone), and what can u say? The iPhone wins by far.

Calisti πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ¦‡

@Noptisun And yes, I fully agree with your response in all other regards.

Niavy :bearn: :verified:

Good. Now which next steps to gain market share ? I really don't want you to let Firefox die now that I am back to you.

I was a day one user thanks to my university ! They had dual boot servers with Firefox into Ubuntu, that was a pure blast.
And then Opera entered the game, and Chrome phagocyted it all ten years ago.

Rich Felker

@niavy @mozilla First step to gain market share is to stop letting your management do embarrassing things trying to make a quick buck on "AI" scams and burning all the goodwill Mozilla has.

Islamic Audiobooks Central

@niavy @mozilla First step could be to remove #Google as default search engine and let users select the search engine they want on first install.


@mozilla This is great. It would be really nice to also have an option for Firefox Android to force install addons that aren't marked as compatible. Currently this is possible but it's a massive pain

In particular Reddit Enhancement Suite and Moderator Toolbox are both incredibly useful and compatible with Android Firefox but cannot be installed easily


@jenbanim @mozilla You can toggle desktop mode and install every add-on! (Just make sure it actually works then.)


@mozilla please be sure to install all 400 extensions for an optimal user experience

400 = :)
399 = :(


@mozilla It's about time, y'all are the best, thanks very much, and I never stopped using Windows XP up to Linux for a single day!


@mozilla Great additions. Now what about allowing users to set their default start page like I can do in the desktop environment?



@mozilla oh neat! My extension is listed on there!

Thomas Griebenow

Fine! But where are the important extensions for android, e.g. Nextcloud extensions?

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